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I have been going to Tanya for 5+ years. I can’t find enough words to describe how amazingly she is

Let me start off by saying I am terrified of needles and this is nothing like what people are thinking of when they hear needles, I have no problem with acupuncture at all and recommend it and Tanya 100% , tanya is my first call over my family Dr for almost everything!

I have been going to Tanya for 5+ years. I can’t find enough words to describe how amazingly she is, I have gone to her for so many different ailments including plantar fasciitis where I actually could not walk and I walked out after the first appointment already feeling relief and after not long all I needed is the odd maintenance session every couple years. Even when I would go in complaining of something I had no idea she could take care of she fixed it! Tanya and her acupuncture are 10 stars!

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