Understanding Acupuncture and What to Expect from an Acupuncture Appointment

What is Acupuncture?

Acupuncture is the practice of inserting tiny, stainless steel needles into specific points on the body. These needles are used to stimulate the body’s natural healing processes, improve health, and alleviate various symptoms. It’s a technique rooted in Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) that aims to balance the body's energy, or Qi (pronounced "chee"), and promote overall wellness.

What Happens During an Acupuncture Appointment?

When you book an acupuncture appointment with me, you’re not just coming in for a simple needle insertion. You’re seeking a comprehensive approach to address a health issue that has been difficult to resolve through other means. Here’s what sets an acupuncture appointment apart:

  1. Initial Intake and Assessment:

    • During your first visit, I conduct a thorough intake to understand your health concerns. This involves discussing your symptoms, medical history, lifestyle, and any other relevant factors.
    • Using the principles of Traditional Chinese Medicine, I assess your condition through techniques such as pulse diagnosis, tongue examination, and a detailed health interview.
  2. Personalized Treatment Plan:

    • Based on the TCM diagnosis, I develop a tailored treatment plan that may include acupuncture as well as dietary and lifestyle recommendations.
    • Acupuncture points are selected specifically for your condition to promote healing and balance in the body.
  3. Holistic Approach:

    • Acupuncture treatments are designed to address both the symptoms and the root cause of your health concerns.
    • For acute issues like pain, you might experience relief relatively quickly, sometimes within a few sessions.
    • Chronic conditions, however, often require a longer-term approach with regular weekly sessions to achieve significant improvement.
  4. Support Beyond Needling:

    • I offer personalized guidance on dietary and lifestyle changes, and when necessary, suggest Traditional Chinese Herbal Formulas to support your healing process beyond the clinic.
    • These recommendations are tailored to your individual needs and based on the holistic principles of TCM.
  5. Ongoing Care and Adjustments:

    • Treatment plans are dynamic. I regularly reassess your progress and make necessary adjustments to ensure optimal outcomes.
    • The goal is not only to alleviate your current symptoms but also to enhance your overall health and well-being.

The Complexity of Acupuncture

While the insertion of fine, sterilized needles is a key component of acupuncture, the practice encompasses a much broader and more complex approach to health. It involves a deep understanding of TCM principles, individualized care, and a commitment to supporting each patient’s unique healing journey.

When you come in for an acupuncture appointment, you are engaging in a holistic process aimed at restoring balance and promoting long-term health.


Acupuncture is the positioning of fine sterilized needles placed delicately into a patients body. The first part of an Acupuncture session is used for your practitioner to determine the proper needle placement to use for your case.

Dr. Tanya Kelloway

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Dr. Tanya Kelloway, Doctor of Acupuncture

320 23 Ave SW, Unit 100
Calgary, AB
T2S 0J2



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